Dan Knowlton

COMPETENCE CONTROLS OUTCOMES.dan-knowlton_1-23-13_007248

Dan Knowlton is the son of an attorney who practiced for 62 years, and Dan’s son has also become an attorney.  Dan served honorably in the California Air Force National Guard and the California Army National Guard.  His bachelor degrees, cum laude, were in Economics, which make business and real estate analysis second nature to him, and Philosophy.  He holds a California Real Estate Broker’s license, and passed the State Bar Exam on his first try.  He served as president for two terms in the Alpine Chamber of Commerce, and was active with Kiwanis and Optimists International, serving recently as president of a mid-size long-standing San Diego charity.  He has served as settlement judge pro tem for the Superior Court, Family Law Dept. , East County Division.  His hobbies are writing, distance running and swimming, and surfing, when work and waves permit.031034

He has maintained his family law practice in San Diego County for 38 years.249

Dan studies constantly and deeply to keep up-to-date on developments in family law, and his conviction is that family and relationships matter, that clients thrive on straight talk, friendly explanations, and what clients want more than showy offices and buffering staff, is legal effectiveness.